My second custom lightsaber
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So this is my second saber. I am not sure when I started this one, but I think I had gotten bored with my first one pretty quickly.

I started with the emitter section I lathed and cut down with the dremel.

Most of these parts are old harddrive motors, etc that I had lying around.

Aesthetically at this point I have no idea what I am doing. Just doodling about.

Here's where the design starts to take shape, with the emitter neck and grip section.

I am liking the middle grip section, and the emitter neck is done.

Here's the other side. It's a bit cobbled together, but it's getting more stable.

I added some red LEDs in there, the red shines against that collar piece, and has a nice glow to it.

I am not sure if I will do a blade here or not.

Here's the somewhat finished product, next I'll go into the stand and some minor tweaks.

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